Tuesday, August 28, 2012

I shall not die but live and declare the works of the Lord

Last year we received a book called Prayer Passport to Crush Oppression by Dr. Daniel Olukoya. In one section titled "Dismantaling Cancer" there is a prayer, "I shall not die but live to declare the works of God, in Jesus' name." That, my friends, is my plan. Science has said it has nothing left. Food cannot save me. There is no medical miracle yet to try. It is time for us to declare God is the one who gave me life and he is the only one who can declare when it is over. I have been sitting for weeks depressed and angered at this second diagnosis because I am not a man done with life no matter what my body says or what science predicts. There is still work to be done. And, my brother in Christ, Dr. Stephen Sesi, from Kenya, held this same verse, Psalm 118:17 in his heart, "I will not die, but I will live and tell what the LORD has done." Lord, I repent for not taking the authority you have given me. Sitting around, waiting to die felt like a blanket of shame and despair. And, my friends, it was. I have stood up, thrown off this blanket, and, I am not moving into my name's meaning, "Resolute protector". I have allowed the subtle, powerful arguments of science to manipulate my mind into standing next to them in agreement. I will not stand, letting God's power be robbed any longer. Science, you say you have nothing you can do. Well, Lord Jesus Christ, I pray, show forth your power and reveal to the world today, the world under the spell of science and medicine, that you Lord are the Divine Healer. God, you are the giver and taker of life. I had been led to forget and forsake these truths. And, I pray my brothers and sisters will stand with me as we make a stand to see God restore one cursed by science unto death. God, I do not know what you will do or how you will do it, but, I know you are faithful, all-powerful, and, real. Lord Jesus, send your Holy Spirit to unite the hearts and minds of men, women, children and families around the world. Let us declare great works oh God, not that I, Will Steele will be honored, but, that your righteous and holy name shall be shown as great and glorious. If you my brothers and sisters want to stand with us in this journey, we will lift up prayers in coordinated efforts and the unity of the Holy Spirit. Send prayers, words, dreams, visions, and, other divine revelations to will.steele@live.com so that we can have sages, prophets and prayer warriors lift them up to offer them to God that His Will may be done. God, I refuse to accept the words of man. God, I shall stand for nothing short of your words from this day forth. May a line in time be drawn and may the great power of Jesus Christ shine forth as it did in days of old.


  1. Will,
    I stand with, by you, always. I am glad to see your faith renewed. God has answerrd my prayers this day. I have never left you but stood waiting for you to return. I'm glad you have my son. Love Mom

  2. Will:

    I have been keeping up with you in the physical as well as the spiritual since your Mom started sending updates. I continue to strive with you in believing in our Lord and Saviour. I believe that if we want to see it, we first have to believe it! I believe in healing and wholeness right now, right this minute, in your body!

    Last night I read this poem and speak it over you now:

    The King of love my Shepherd is,
    Whose goodness faileth never,
    I nothing lack if I am His
    And He is mine forever

    Where streams of living water flow
    My ransomed soul He leadeth,
    And where the verdant pastures grow,
    With food celestial feedeth.

    Perverse and foolish oft I strayed,
    But yet in love He sought me,
    And on His shoulder gently laid,
    And home, rejoicing, brought me.

    Thou spread'st a table in my sight;
    Thy unction grace bestoweth'
    And O what transport of delight
    From Thy pure chalice floweth!

    And so through all the length of days
    Thy goodness faileth never;
    Good Shepherd, may I sing Thy praise
    Within Thy house forever.

    Written by Henry W. Baker in 1868

    Peace be with you, Will, in your heart, mind and body.
    I speak to your spirit man, and claim life, and life more abundantly!
    I command the demon of infirmity to leave you!
    I pray joy within you!
    I praise the Lord for you, and with you!
    If you would like to speak with me, I am now and will continue to be a prayer warrior for you. Please call Jeffrey at 225-413-4409.

    We love you (my wife Pam, my brother and sister in law, Richard and Kerri) in Jesus Name!

  3. there we go Will....there we go! let's do this
